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Selenium Ide commands

Selenium Ide Commands

The overall IDE script creation process classified into Three Steps.

1: Recording
2: Playing back
3: Saving
Step1: Recording
Selenium IDE supports to record user interactions with the browser. Thus the overall recorded actions are termed as Selenium IDE script.
Step2: Playing back
In this step, first, we have to verify track stability and success rate. Then we can execute the recorded script in IDE.
Step2: Saving
Once we have recorded a stable script, we may want to save it for future runs and regressions.
Using Common features of Selenium IDE
Setting Execution speed
While testing web applications, we get across several scenarios where an action performed. Thus we must be having knowledge is enough while dealing such scenarios. So avoid failures while playing back these types of test scenarios.
Using Execute this command option
IDE let have executing a single test step within the entire test script. “Execute this command” option can be used at times when we want to debug of a particular test step.
Using Start point
To specify a start point within a test script to allows in IDE. The start point points to the test step from where we wish to start the test script execution. We customize the script to execute from a certain step.
Using Breakpoint
User to specify breakpoints within a test script to allow in IDE. The break points state Selenium IDE where to pause the test script. It can be used when we want to break the execution in small logical steps to execution trends.
Using Find Button
One of the most crucial features of IDE test scripts is to find and locate web elements within a web page. Web elements which have the certain respect of thing associated with them. The user can for challenging for making to identify a particular web element different. Selenium IDE provides Find button for the address of this issue.

Selenium IDE Commands

Types of Selenium IDE commands

Here three types of Selenium IDE commands. Each of the test steps in Selenium IDE falls extending any of the following categories.
  1. Actions
  2. Accessors
  3. Assertions


Actions commands are which interact with direct application either altering. Its state or by pouring some test data.


Accessor’s commands are which allows the user to store certain values to the user-defined variable. These keep values can be later on used to create assertions and verifications.


Assertions are like to Accessors as they can’t interact with the application. Assertions are used to verify the present state of the application with a regard state.
Forms of Assertions:
  1. Assert: This command makes sure that the test execution end in case of failure.
  2. Verify: This command lets the IDEto support with the test script execution even if the verification fails.
  3. Wait For: This command waits for an exact condition to arrange before executing the next test step.
These conditions are like page to be load, element to be present extending


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