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Selenium Browser Automation Testing Tool

Advantages of selenium Browser Automation Testing Tool


Selenium Browser Automation Testing Tool

Testing professionals use a variety of automation testing tools to the web applications. Automated testing has made the testing processes much simpler than manual testing. It has accelerated the testing process and improved efficiency. The most powerful open source automation tool available at the moment is Selenium.

Advantages of Selenium Browser Automation Testing Tool

Based on Java scripting to a large extent tests run in the browser. Like Mozilla, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Various operating systems like Mac, Windows, and Linux. There is hardly any tool that covers such assortment of platforms. This tool has made it easier to check web applications without putting in extra effort and time. Here are some important advantages of the Selenium automation testing tool

Flexibility and Ease of Use:

Selenium is an interface creating and executing testing suites. Selenium’s open source allows the user to write extensions. It is robust and supports flexible test architecture. It allows adding functionalities to the test cases and customizes the project.

  Platform Portability:

Testers have to write test scripts to web application different browsers. Selenium allows writing the script once. Then run it on many browsers and platforms to test the web applications. This way, even the complex web applications tested without expanding the test cycles.

  Many Test Environments:

Selenium allows the testers to use many Integrated Development Environments. Such as NetBeans, Visual Studio, and Eclipse. Features of other frameworks combine with Selenium and amusing user experience.

  Open Source:

Selenium offers all the advantages that open source software offers. It doesn’t include any licensing cost and is customizable as per the user request. But, it is still under development and has many active contributors in the user forums.

  Programming Language:

Using the testing tools, testers write scripts that are specific to programming languages. This requires them to learn that specific language to write scripts. But selenium allows you to write scripts by using any programming language. Adding to this, a variety of tools use to generate reports, build systems and create IDE.
The selenium Browser Automation testing tool is effective in reducing the test cycles.


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