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Introduction of Selenium Automation Testing

Test automation Training In hyderabad

A test automation framework is a collection of re-usable methods test process.

Automation of test process
Test Execution: This is the place where a tool used to execute the scripts.
Report Generation: This module concentrates on taking test execution results as input. It generate the customized reports of different levels. It report which provides details like PASS/FAIL status and Time taken to execute the test case. In detailed reports, it can list the number of exceptions cases handled. Start time and End time for each test case, test cases passed, failed status and .
Defect Logging: This module concentrates on automatic defect. The logging of defects into bug tracking tool and taking the screen shots.
Test Case writing: this part includes providing help for writing manual test cases. the generating corresponding keywords into automation steps.

Framework Methodologies

There are four popular test automation methodologies :

1. Modular 2. Keyword 3. Datadriven 4. Hybrid.

Modular Framework:

In this method, is one of the most basic type of automation framework. this framework, a test scripts written to match a functionality. that represent modules of the application-under-test. These modules in turn used in a hierarchical fashion to build large test cases.

  • Modular division of scripts leads to easier maintenance. the scalability of the automated test Scripts are independent to write.
  • The main problem with modular frameworks is test script have test data embedded in them. which will become problem when updating the code /script.
  • It is also difficult when ever a test step fails which has to be find out by debugging where the test case failed.

Data Driven Framework:

The test data separated from test scripts and results returned against the test data. if all the test data combinations are pass, then only the test case treated as "PASS". If any one of the test data combination failed, then the entire test case treated as "FAIL".
  • It is suitable for test cases with many test data combinations.
  • It reduces the number of test scripts needed to put in place all the test cases.
  • The test data identified / prepared before test implementation is ready.
  • It is not suitable for test cases having very simple actions doesn't include any test data.

Keyword Driven

In this method, keywords developed which are equal to a unit level functionality. It is framework utilizing data tables methods and keywords to perform the actions


  • High re-usability achieved by re-using across many test cases.
  • Maintainability is easy which doesn't need any Automation expertise.
  • Debugging is easy.
  • Requires a complicated framework than the data driven framework.
  • Test cases grow longer and complex and this is due to the greater flexibility

Hybrid Framework:

This framework is the combination of both data-driven and keyword driven testing frameworks. It allows data driven scripts to take advantage of the libraries based approach.


The Hybrid framework is build with many reusable modules / function libraries.
  • Maintainability – Hybrid framework reduces maintenance effort
  • Re-usability – It allows to reuse test cases and library functions
  • Manageability - effective test design, execution, and traceability
  • Accessibility – easy to design, develop, change and debug test cases while executing
  • Availability – Allows to schedule automation execution
  • Reliability – due to advanced error handling and scenario recovery
  • Flexibility – framework independent of system or environment under test
  • Measurability – customizable reporting of test results ensure the quality output


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