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AutoIt in Selenium Webdriver

Features of AutoIt  Selenium Web driver  training In Hyderabad


AutoIt in Selenium Web driver

Selenium is an open source tool. That designed to automate web-based applications on different browsers. But to handle window GUI and non-HTML popups in the application. AutoIt required as these window based activity are not handled by Selenium.
What is AutoIt?
AutoIt v3 is a freeware scripting language designed for automating. the Windows GUI and general scripting. the combination of keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation to automate tasks. It is way not possible or reliable with other languages. AutoIt is very small, self-contained and run on all versions of Windows. The face with no annoying “runtimes” required.

In layman’s term, AutoIt is another automation tool. Selenium used for Desktop Automation rather Web Automation. It is a powerful tool. It does not automate desktop windows, button & for. it automates mouse movements & keystrokes too. Selenium IDE recording capability generates the scripts test.

 Features of AutoIt  Selenium Web driver  training In Hyderabad

1) Easy to learn:

It is another scripting language and very easy to use. The menu of AutoIt gives all the functions and methods with detailed explanation.

2) Simulates keystrokes:

Where required to use keystrokes in the test. The pressing enter on any dialog box and typing username and password on the Selenium.

3) Simulate mouse movements:

Like keystrokes situations. When need to simulate the mouse movements and it is the easiest way out for those situations.

4) Scripts can compile into the standalone executable:

It means do not need any IDE to run scripts.It can convert automation scripts into .exe files which run on their own.

5) Windows Management:

The expect to move, hide, show, resize, activate, close with windows. Windows referenced by title, text on the window, size, position, class and Win32 API handles.

6) Windows Controls:

The information interacts with edit boxes, check boxes, list boxes, and status bar. that aren’t active.

7) Detailed file and large community-based support forums:

  The action on windows gets it on help file. The face any issue or get stuck anywhere, the large group of users is there to help you.
In short, any windows, mouse & keystrokes simulation. which we cannot handle with Selenium handled with AutoIt. All we need to do is to use the script in Selenium generated with the help of AutoIt tool.

 Features of AutoIt  Selenium Web driver  training In Hyderabad

Features of AutoIt Selenium Web driver training In Hyderabad: We provides Features of AutoIt Selenium Web driver training In Hyderabad by real time experts.


  1. Amazing, thanks a lot my friend, I was also siting like a your banner image when I was thrown into Selenium.When I started learning then I understood it has got really cool stuff.
    I can vouch webdriver has proved the best feature in Selenium framework.
    Thanks a lot for taking a time to share a wonderful article.
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