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Comparison Of Web Driver and Selenium RC| Selenium Training Institutes in Hyderabad

Selenium Training Institutes in Hyderabad
Selenium Training Institutes in Hyderabad

Now those have learned to create simple tests in Selenium IDE. We must now create more powerful scripts using an advanced tool called WebDriver.

What is Web Driver?

Web Driver is a web automation framework. That allows executing your tests different browsers. But not Firefox, unlike Selenium IDE.

Web Driver also enables to use a programming language in creating test scripts. But not possible in Selenium IDE.

 Now use conditional operations like if-then-else or switch-case manner

 Perform looping like do-while.

Following programming languages supported by Web Driver







Web Driver Vs Selenium RC

 The advent of Web Driver in 2006. There was another automation tool called Selenium RemoteControl. Web Driver and Selenium RC have following features

  They both allow using a programming language in designing test scripts.

  They both allow running tests against different browsers.


Web Driver’s architecture is simpler than Selenium RC's.

  It controls the browser from the OS level

  All are programming language's IDE. This contains Selenium commands and a browser.

 To launch a separate application called Selenium Remote Control Server start testing

  The Selenium RC Server acts as a "middleman".

  When begin testing.Selenium RC Server "injects". A JavaScript program called Selenium Core into the browser.

  Selenium Core will start receiving instructions by the RC Server.

 The instructions received. Selenium Core executes them as JavaScript commands.

  The browser will obey the instructions of Selenium Core and its response to the RC Server.

  The RC Server will receive the response of the browser and display the results.

  RC Server next instruction test script to repeat the cycle.


 Web Driver is faster than Selenium RC. Since it speaks to the browser uses the browsers own engine to control it.

 Selenium RC is slower since it uses a JavaScript program called Selenium Core. This Selenium Core is the one that controls the browser, not you.

Real-life Interaction

 Web Driver interacts with page elements in a more realistic way. For example, if you have a disabled text box on a page testing. Web Driver cannot enter any value in it as how a real person cannot.

Selenium Core, like other JavaScript codes, can access disabled elements. In the past, Selenium testers complain. That Selenium Core was able to enter values in a disabled text box in their tests. Differences in API


Selenium RC's API is more matured but contains redundancies and often confusing commands. For example, most of the time, testers confused whether to use type or type Keys. Whether to use click, mouse down, or mouseDownAt. Worse, different browsers interpret each of these commands in different ways.

Web Driver’s API is simpler than Selenium RC's. It does not contain redundant and confusing commands.

Browser Support

Web Driver can support the headless HtmlUnit browser

HtmlUnit termed as "headless" because it is an invisible browser - it is GUI-less.

It is a very fast browser because no time spent in waiting for page elements to load. This accelerates your test execution cycles.


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