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Apache ANT Tool for Automating Software Build Processes

Apache ANT Tool for Automation

Apache ANT Tool for Automating Software Build Processes

Apache Ant is a very popular and conventional build tool of our times. It is an open source java based build tool. It provides by Apache Software Foundation distributed under GNU license in Selenium. The Apache Ant plays a significant role in developer’s as well as Tester’s day to day work schedule in Selenium Tool. The  Selenium tool has immense power to build the development code into deployment utilities in Selenium Training in Hyderabad.

ANT Selenium Training in Hyderabad

An ant is a tool that automates the software building process. It is not limited t the compilation of code, packaging, testing and a lot more achieved in some simple steps in Selenium Training in Hyderabad.

The Selenium tool works on the principle of targets and dependencies defined in the XML files. Ant libraries use to build the applications. It has a set of defined tasks to archive, compile, execute, document, deploy, and test targets. Moreover, Ant allows the user to create his/her own tasks by implementing their own libraries in Selenium Training.

It uses Selenium with Java Applications. The applications built on other languages depending on the extended support Selenium.

It doesn’t demand another set of code written to build the application. The entire process by targets which are none other than XML elements in Selenium Tools.

Apache Ant Benefits

Ease of Use: The tool provides a wide range of tasks. that almost fulfills all the build requirements of the user.

 Platform Independent: It is written in Java thus is a platform-independent build tool. The only need for the tool is JDK.

 Extensibility: the tool written in Java and the source code is available. The benefit to extending the tool’s capabilities by writing java code for adding the task in Ant Libs.

Apache Ant Features

 Can compile java based applications.

 Can create Java Doc.

 Can create war, jar, zip, tar files.

 Can copy files to at different location.

 Can delete or move files.

 Can send Emails to the stakeholders.

 Supports JUnit 3, JUnit 4, TestNG.

 Can convert XML based test reports to HTML reports.

 Can make directories.

 Can check out the code from version control system.

 Can execute test scripts and test suites.

Built-in Tasks

The Ant build file provides varieties of tasks.

File Tasks: File task is self-explanatory.








Compile Tasks

 <Javac>: Compiles source files within the JVM

 <Jspc>: Runs jsp compiler

 <Rmic>: Runs rmic compiler

Archive Tasks

 <Zip>, <unzip>: Creates a zipped folder.

 <Jar>, <unjar>: Creates a jar file.

 <War>, <unwar>: Creates a war file for deployment.

Testing Tasks

 <Junit>: Runs JUnit testing framework.

 <Junitreport>: Generates the test report by converting JUnit generated XML test reports.

Property Tasks

 <Dirname>: Sets the property.

 <Loadfile>: Loads a file into property.

 <Propertyfile>: Creates a new property file.

Misc Tasks

 <Echo>: Echoes the text message print either on the console or written within an external file.

 <Javadoc>: Generates the java based documentation using JavaDoc tool.

 <Sql>: Establishes a JDBC connection and hits dash of SQL commands. 


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