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Showing posts from March, 2017

Test Automation for Web Applications

  Test Automation for Web Applications Many software applications are written as web-based applications to run in an Internet browser. The effectiveness of testing these applications verities among companies and organizations. The interactive and responsive software organizations are using some form of the agile method. The test automation is becoming a need for software projects. Test automation is often the answer. Test automation means using a software tool to run repeatable tests. For regression testing, this provides that responsiveness in Selenium Training in Hyderabad. There are many advantages to testing automation. Most related to the repeatability of the tests and the speed at which the tests executed. There are many commercial and open source tools available for test automation. Selenium is the most widely-used open source solution. This user’s guide both new and experienced Selenium users. The learning effective techniques in building test automation ...

Design An Effective Test Automation Framework

  Test Automation Frame work Selenium Training In Hyderabad Test Automation Definition  The software industry test automation defined as a process of performing. software testing activity by utilizing various test automation tools. the type of test automation tools is open source or licensed versions. the popular test automation tools in Selenium Training in Hyderabad . The test automation software quality assurance experts to create a test automation framework . which does not support the entire software testing process. but also help in improving the quality of software testing process. In a way, test automation framework allows a software tester. .software testing company to perform automated software testing Selenium Training in Hyderabad. Test Automation Framework Design Selenium Training in Hyderabad A framework defined as a real or conceptual structure created to provide support. The guidance to an entity that could expand in future. A few other...

Apache ANT Tool for Automating Software Build Processes

  Apache ANT Tool for Automating Software Build Processes Apache Ant is a very popular and conventional build tool of our times. It is an open source java based build tool. It provides by Apache Software Foundation distributed under GNU license in Selenium . The Apache Ant plays a significant role in developer’s as well as Tester’s day to day work schedule in Selenium Tool . The  Selenium tool has immense power to build the development code into deployment utilities in Selenium Training in Hyderabad. ANT Selenium Training in Hyderabad An ant is a tool that automates the software building process. It is not limited t the compilation of code, packaging, testing and a lot more achieved in some simple steps in Selenium Training in Hyderabad . The Selenium tool works on the principle of targets and dependencies defined in the XML files. Ant libraries use to build the applications. It has a set of defined tasks to archive, compile, execute, do...

Selenium IDE Commands

  Selenium IDE Introduction  Selenium-IDE The Selenium-IDE is the tool use to develop Selenium test cases. It’s an easy-to-use Firefox plug-in. this is generally the most efficient way to develop test cases. It also contains a context menu that allows to first selecting an UI element from the browser. It displayed page and then select from a list of Selenium commands with parameters. The context of the selected UI element. This is not a time-saver an excellent way of learning Selenium script syntax. The classified into IDE script has Three Types. 1: Recording 2: Playing back 3: Saving 1: Recording Selenium IDE supports to record user interactions with the browser. Thus the recorded actions termed as Selenium IDE script. 2: Playing back In this step, first, we have to verify track stability and success rate. Then we can execute the recorded script in Selenium IDE . 3: Saving Once we have recorded a stable script, we may want to save it...

Selenium Automation

Selenium Training in Hyderabad Selenium Automation Selenium is an open source, portable and software testing application. The Apache Software Foundation, the same ownership that has blueprinted JMeter tool. Selenium Automation considered as one of the easiest utilities. The users to record and write test results without a specific programming language. The testers to get reports in various popular programming scripts. Like C#, JAVA, PHP, Ruby. Compatibility                    The selenium automation utility installed on almost all popular operating systems . Like Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Advantages of Deploying Selenium Automation Testing It is an open source performance software testing . That can be downloaded from the internet and deployed. The functionality of a website, application, or web-based program very important these days. The operation of free-to-use testi...

Maven Build Automation Tool

Build Automation Tool Maven Build Automation Tool Maven is a build automation tool . The distributed Apache Software Foundation . It is used for java projects . It makes build consistent with another project. Maven is also used to manage the dependencies . It works a very number of Jar files with different versions. What is a build tool? Build tool use to setup everything. Which need to run java code . This can apply to entire java project. It generates source code, compiling code, packaging code to a jar. Maven provides a common platform to perform these activities. This makes programmer’s life easier while handling the huge project. The Maven provides pom.xml which is the core of any project. This is the configuration file where all required information’s are kept. Many of the IDEs are available which makes it easy to use. IDEs are available for tools like Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ etc. Maven stores all project jars . Library jar is...

Object Identification in Selenium

Selenium Locators Training in Hyderabad What are Locators? The locator is a command . that tells Selenium IDE which GUI elements . its needs to operate on. Identification of correct GUI elements is to creating an automation script . The identification of GUI elements is more difficult than it sounds . Sometimes working with incorrect GUI elements or no elements at all. Hence, Selenium provides many Locators for locating a GUI element. Object Identification in Selenium   The Testing different applications Application under Test. we need to identify the object made of. it is Web Application or Desktop Application .   Button   Text Box   Link   Drop Down   Radio Button   List Box   Slider  The Object identification is very important part of automation activity . So the automation should be able to identify the objects for automation purpose. The identifying objec...